Maine Hunger Dialogue & Climate Action Summit

SAVE THE DATE:      October 21st and 22nd, 2022

Location: In person at the University of Maine at Augusta and online via Zoom.

The Maine Hunger Dialogue and Climate Action Summit is a collaboration between Maine Campus Compact and The University of Maine’s Cooperative Extension.  It’s main objective is about taking action to end hunger in the state of Maine and increase climate action. It is two days of high-energy discussions and activities that will inspire you to get involved in the fight against hunger and climate change! The goal of the Dialogue/Summit is to challenge Maine higher education students and staff from all areas of study to use what you learn at the Dialogue/Summit to create a project that can be completed in one year. We need problem solvers of all sorts including writers, media makers, engineers, nutritionists, horticulturists and anyone else who believes it is time to get serious about fighting hunger and climate change! The Dialogue is in partnership with Universities Fighting World Hunger, an organization working to empower college students to take action on hunger on campuses across the country.


  • Learn about hunger and climate change in Maine, the US, and around the world;
  • Be inspired by incredible people who are working to create change;
  • Brainstorm and collaborate on possible actions;
  • Be engaged in hunger and climate change solutions;
  • Leave motivated to make a difference!

Maine Hunger Dialogue 2016